4 ingredients, 40 minutes, and you’re on your way to a sweet feast by the campfire. The ultimate campfire companion is our take on a traditional Aussie damper with a twist: Bundaberg Ginger Beer. And yes, it’s just as tasty as it sounds.
Not an Aussie? You might be wondering, what the heck is a damper?
According to Merriam-Webster, damper is "an unleavened loaf or cake of flour and water baked in wood ashes.”
In other words, Damper is the perfect campfire food.Andone of the easiest to make, just follow the recipe below and enjoy.
- 500 grams self raising flour
- 300 ml thickened cream
- 300ml Bundaberg Ginger Beer
- Dash of baking powder
What you need:
1 x Camp Oven
1 x Trivet
1 x Mixing Bowl
Aluminium foil or Baking paper
Step 1:Prepare your coals
Step 2:Pour flour, cream, and ginger beer into a large bowl
Step 3:Mix, but don’t overmix! Stir just enough so that all ingredients are blended.
Step 4:Lay a foil-covered trivet in the base of the pot
Step 5:Sprinkle baking powder on foil
Step 6: Pour in damper mix and spread evenly
Step 7:Place lid with coals on top over the pot and leave to cook
Step 8:Take out when golden brown (approximately 30 -40 minutes)
Step 9:Enjoy with Butter, Golden Syrup, Ginger Beer and mates.
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